Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ikea, Pt 2: Furniture Assembly

So I went back to Ikea yesterday, sans Miss E. I went shortly after they opened, so it wasn't really busy. Though, I think at least 35% of the adult women there were hugely pregnant. One of them looked liked her water was just going to break right there, so I steered pretty clear of her.

I followed the stupid little arrows this time, so no traffic incidents, and I got to see all the areas I missed last time. I hung out in the kid's toys/furniture area for a little while and picked up a couple of stuffed animals for E., and picked out a little table and chairs for her.

Then I went to pick up the sheets that I was really there for, and made it through the rest of the store without incident, and her little table was right where the tag said it would be so that went pretty smoothly. No, I did not buy/eat any meatballs. I'm just not a meatball kinda girl. I did buy a cinnamon bun, but it really wasn't that great. I didn't even eat it all, and I have one hell of a sweet tooth.

I got home, without a speeding ticket (I thought for sure I was going to get pulled over), brought everything up and sat down to assemble the little table and chairs. Piece of cake, right?

It's pretty cool how they pack the boxes. It's not cool how all the directions are just pictures.
I only had to backtrack and take one side of the table off once, so I guess I didn't do too badly. I only cussed once, and it took less than 15 minutes to put together the set, including figuring out where those extra pieces went.

They have a bed there that I really like, but now I'm kinda skeered to do large scale furniture assembly. Plus, I'm planning on moving soon, so maybe that will be a project for later this year.

After awhile, the sheets were washed and I decided to put them on the bed. I got severely sidetracked along the way and sat down to work on E's scrapbook, and then got online to order a ton more prints since I only have a few around. I did get the sheets put on before I went to bed, and I have to say I'm still in love with the bright ass green. I also realized I need to find something to cover the box spring, and that will take me awhile to find something just right. I'll probably have to have some kind of outpatient therapy to recover from the breakdown resulting from the stress of having an exposed box spring. I'm still not happy with the color of my comforter, but I think I've found a duvet cover that will work.

(For those of you not familiar with my neuroses, I either don't decorate at all or I obsess over it until it looks just right. It's a long process, but there is never bloodshed, so I guess it's okay.)

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