Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You know..

Being an apartment dweller, I don't have to deal with pesky things like "bulky item collection."
However, today I took a little detour through the neighborhood (so I could check the status of the picnic tables at the park for the party on Sat.). It must be bulk item week. Why?
I drove past TWELVE toilets out on the curb. In less than a mile. TWELVE! How many people could possibly have a toilet just hanging around waiting to get dumped. There were of course, old doors, a couple critically injured toys, and a microwave or two, but nothing has outnumbered the toilets this year.
I wonder if there is some sort of toilet replacement initiative running rampant through the city.

There is indeed a free High Efficiency (read- really crappy) Residential Toilet Replacement Program from the city. They will replace up to 3 pre-1996 toilets per home. This neighborhood was built in the 80's. Hence the need for new toilets, I suppose.

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