I've lived in this apartment for nearly a year. I met one of the neighbors downstairs shortly after moving in. He mentioned his wife, and two kids. They frequently have friends or family over, and I never got introduced to his wife (a petite blond). Well, I've seen her around with the two kids, but only spoken to her once or twice. I frequently see a petite blond out smoking on their porch. I've always assumed this was her. Sometimes there are two blonds out there, but I don't want to stare or interrupt so I just wave and go upstairs. They both usually have sunglasses on, anyhow.
It was only recently (okay, today) that I realized that maybe the one with the kids and the regular smoker aren't the same person. I spoke to the frequent smoker Friday and she said they were moving (I was taking a couple boxes out to the trash and she said she'd take them off my hands). I told her I had a couple more boxes hanging out on my back porch and I'd bring them down later. Me, being as anti-social as I am, just dropped them off on the porch and went back upstairs to be reclusive.
A couple days later the boxes were still hanging out there, and I saw the neighbor dude move two of them out of the way (the other was gone). I started wondering if maybe the chick moving wasn't the one that lives there and if I'm a freak that abandons boxes on people's porches. Today I noticed the blond w/ kids heading out into the parking lot. One minute later I see smoker blond heading the same way.
I'm so confused. I don't know if smoker blond lives there or what. Is she one of the kids baby mamas? Does she live on the couch?
More importantly, has she lived there the whole time and I just haven't noticed?